• ab 2 Jahren,  English books,  Natur

    Aaaarrgghh! Spider!

    (Anzeige|ad) 🇩🇪 Klick hier für die deutsche Rezension. 🇩🇪   Don't let this lonely spider frighten you! She just wants to be a family pet – and she thinks she would make a better one than the typical dog or cat. But every time this cute and clever spider tries to impress her chosen family, she scares them instead. Until the day she unwittingly enchants them with a sparkly surprise.   © HarperCollins © HarperCollins This lovely picture book by Lydia Monks is sure to enchant you, too!The glittering spider web on the cover already fascinates the viewer and the little spider looks cute as a button. Monks' cartoonish illustrations…

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